Wednesday, September 30

Email on Life

I can't sleep to say the least. So look what I turn to, my computer.

Tonight's Bible study lesson in a nutshell was about:
* how we personally live our life day to day
* if we knew when Jesus was coming what would we do different, or would we?
* How Satan uses us in his on going battle of trying to defeat Jesus.

I could go into detail, but I wont. But I do want to tell you about his little elderly lady that is in the class with us.

Toward the end of the lesson she said she just had to share something with us. She told us that she keeps getting this funny email about how to live your life. Quote in quote,
"That if you are living your life correctly and fully then each day when you wake up Satan will say to himself 'GREAT, HE/SHE IS UP AGAIN!!' "

So true!
We got a great laugh out of it and I hope you did too!

Happy Tuesday!!

Be watching for Halloween art, my very own funky Pig art, and five day recap!! EW.. next post will be oh so fun!!!

1 comment:

I can't wait to see what you have to say!!!