Thursday, January 7

"He's just not that into you.."

So.. with this snow and all.. I have caught up on my movie collection that I feel has been highly neglected. I'm one of those people that buys movies instead of rents them. Yeah, I know, thats not a very money smart decision, but whatever!

Todays selection was "He's just not that into you!" I've kind of been hesitant to watch this one, wasn't really sure how I would react to it. But I gave into it today. Fell in love.

I feel as if my life has been documented in several different ways. I related to every single situation at some point in my life. I literally laughed through the entire movie. Never have I related so well with a movie.

But yeah, I'm glad my life has been recorded, titled "He's just not that into you," and sold on the shelves. Glad I could help! If you haven't seen it, go grab it in this snowy day. I think rather you are male or female, anyone can relate to this one. Its a good one!!

Shoot, I might just watch it again!! Hope your day is wonderful..


  1. I haven't seen the movie but I heard it is pretty funny. I'll have to check it out soon. I, too, have been watching movies all day! I need to get out of the house!

  2. Love Love Love 'he's just not that into you'... jennifer and ben's situation is my favorite!!!


I can't wait to see what you have to say!!!