Saturday, April 10


If you know me at all, you know one thing.

I HATE frogs.

I hate everything about them. They hop. They make annoying sounds. They are slimy. They are ugly. They hide. They come out of no where. Their unpredictable. Their pointless. They creep me out. Make me scream. Run far far away. They make me walk outside in the summer with a light (usually my phone) to the ground so I can see if one is in my way.

Sick. Sick. Sick.

All I have to say is why in the WORLD would my most favorite store in the entire world carry this? Why would they think this is cute? Why would someone buy this?

Sorry Anthro, but you just totally creeped me out. Completely. I think this marks the very first time we have ever disagreed on an article of clothing.

I hope you have had a wonderful weekend! Today has been the first day in 3 weeks that I have not had to be somewhere or had anything to do. Its been wonderful. So very thankful!

Thank you Mrs. Jones for helping me with my pictures, you are a true lifesaver!

1 comment:

  1. oh that's a shame.... i just bought this dress to wear to your birthday party. :(


I can't wait to see what you have to say!!!