Tuesday, September 15

Not a rain goes by...

I think for as long as I live in Fayetteville there will not be a rainy day that passes that I don't have the thought of "I am so thankful I am not having to walk on campus right now." For those of you that attended the University probably understand where I am coming from. Campus floods like you wouldn't believe. It roars actually. Tons and tons of water rushing down the hills and filling the dips in the sidewalk. Resulting in water filled shoes, bottoms of pants soaked, wet clothes making you freezing in 30 degree classes. To say the least, Rain + U of A + Kenlie do NOT = a happy day.

But now having that degree on the wall, rain makes for a good day and an awesome nights sleep. Oh the little things that make me so thankful for my degree!

Ran across this picture and it made me even more excited for fall. I love fall and so excited for its arrival!! And just think, with all this rain, Fayetteville will look just as bright and pretty!

Hope you stayed dry today and wore your rain boots! I sure did!!

1 comment:

  1. I hated walking on campus in the rain also! I can totally relate. Twice while it was raining I fell on those metal drain covering things. They get really slick with a little water! So embarrassing.


I can't wait to see what you have to say!!!